Retirement is an importnat milestones in 1 person's life. It is a life many of us look forward to but are we adequately prepared for it? We have retirement plans in the form of insurance for health, pension or retirement plan to support our lifestyles, holidays and vacation plans, and family commitment, do we also plan vocationally and seek what God wants us to do in our called life?
Although this phase of life can be exciting, we also know the challenges of growing old, when mobility and health can be an issue, how do we continue to work/plan vocationally when this happens in our life?
Give me your thoughts to the questions below (you can write at the comment section)
1. Do we think vocationally before our retirement/at retirement as we prepare to venture into the next phsase of life?
2. Do you see your work after retirement as a Call of God?
3. What work are you currently doing after you have retired from your routine work (employment,business,etc)?
4. Are we challenged in our vocation as some of us are not as mobile, slower in our pace and may have health issues? How can we think vocationally in scenarios like this?
You can respond to the questions at the VW Forum and this will be helpful for us when we organize the forum on June 19th, I welcome your thoughts, feedback to the above questions and your sharing. You can also share with me through the VW WhatApps portal. Thanks
Thank You