The Presentation
The result
The results of the variables are collected and a Simple Regression Pierson Analysis will test the relationship between variables to test the correlations and to prove the hypothesis.
We will put the discipleship manual on our Vocation@Work (VW) digital platform for easy access
Module 4
The 'Result of What' - reveals the end goal/result of the integration towards the development of the WholeLife Church
1. The Results. The data from the attendance of the church, the number of service personnel @ church level, and the level of engagement @ workplace and @ church will be tested with a simple Pierson Regression Analysis to see the correlation between these variables
i. attendance growth and engagement at work
ii. service personnel numbers and engagement @work.
iii. attendance growth and engagement at church
iv. attendance growth and engagement at work
We hope to justify the hypothesis that we have set:
When we have a robust theology of work grounded in faith (Work Discipleship Program), the church becomes relevant to the life of the people as engagement happens @work and @ church and this will lead to church growth and fruitfulness.​
2. The Digital Portal for the Work and Faith Integration. Vocation@Work (VW) is a 24/7 portal for the integration, it is the go to portal for the work curriculum, work life blog, online courses, transcript of the work and faith integration module, other work and faith resources and portals