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Towards a Holistic WholeLife Church

The Vocation@Work (VW) Story  

The year 2022, marks the inception of the transformative journey for Christ Lutheran Church (CLC) as we embarked on a ground breaking church model, called the 'WholeLife Church' - where work life discipling forms part of the discipleship process of the church.  With this development, we are re-shaping/reinventing our understanding of what it meant to be a holistic church.


It all began at the end of 2021, when our 5 years plan - 'Towards Greatness' came to an end, we saw some gaps in our strategy especially in our discipleship process. We began to ask questions like:

What have we been missing all these years?

Why have we not achieved the growth plan that we have projected?

Is our strategy too broad based, what have we done well, and how can we be more focus and what should be our focus in the next 5 years?

What methodologies should we adopt for a more comprehensive strategies?


These inquiries has led us to re-evaluate our strategies which was found to be too inclusive- where we have been focusing in building ministries within the church (which are good) and have neglected  discipling our members outside the church ( at their work place. this has rendered our strategy lopsided and hence our discipleship plan needed major re-evaluation.


Our goal in the new strategy has not change, we wanted a comprehensive holistic church,

and we know that we needed engagement in all aspects of life especially

of how faith are integral to our work from Monday to Friday!


This gave rise to the WholeLife Church, which is deemed a 'market place friendly Church', where its scope encompasses our work life which makes up 2/3 of their time from Monday to Friday. These significant part of our life cannot be ignored and it resulted to the birthing forth of a discipleship program that shifts our thinking of discipling members beyond Sunday.


This discipleship program is called the Vocation@Work CLC. Its objective is to bring

the people (the whole of being/soul) to work ( the whole of work) through their faith with the task (the whole mission) in transforming the workplace for Kingdom purpose. Our philosophy is simple- when workplace is transformed through faith, the church will grow because it spur engagements both in the work of the church and the work life. Hence we need to mind the gap between Sunday and Monday!


hence the work started in 2022 with a complete new approach to church discipleship,

where the totality of our faith are discipled and lived out in the community, in, with, and for God.

​​​​This model is unique because it builds on the soteriology concept (order of salvation) where the indwelling of God and the Holy Spirit saved us, sanctified us and propel us to serve his people. This has helped us see why our work matters to God and why God matters to our work, because our work becomes the work of God as we as image bearer for his work. This has brought meaning, purpose to our work, hence our work is dignified, holy and is the mission of God for the world!


2 years in, the year 2024 we have been able to garnered deeper understanding of the transformative effect of this program, its potential for holistic spirituality in enhancing church engagement,

growth through work engagement, thus fostering growth.​​


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