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Image by Sincerely Media


The Strategic Intent of the Integration Model

The Strategic Intent serves as a guiding framework for the understanding the integration of work and faith in building a holistic WholeLife Church. It involves posing four essential questions: those of being, which delve into identity and purpose (the "Who?" and "Why?"), the methodology for achieving integration (the "How?"), and the desired outcomes of this integration (the "What?").

By grasping the Strategic Intent, we can discern work-life challenges and advocate for solutions to construct a comprehensive WholeLife Church. This vision encompasses both the Gathered Church experience on Sunday, where members are equipped, and the Dispersed Church on Monday, togther it made an enlarged Church [the WholeLife Church], where faith are integrated into our everyday life. We believed this approach will foster wholeLife engagement among members as they perceive the interconnectedness of their lives with their faith.

This model necessitates a radical way of thinking about faith life and the church and we called it the 2 Degree Mindset Shift. This shift involves embracing a new way of thinking, a fundamental change in perspective about faith and church, propelling us towards integrating work and faith  in building a holistic WholeLife Church. It requires adopting a mindset that fosters the building of a unified church community, an enlarged church beyond Sunday, as the church 'gathered and dispersed' through the seamless integration of work and faith.

The Module that we will be covering are as follows-

  • Who is the church? which we will expound the concept of the new church model: The WholeLife Church through work and faith integration

  • Why Church? The reason for being the WholeLife Church and the issues we need to adress

  • How to be Church? The methodology of the WholeLife Church through the integration

  • What do we want to achieve through the WholeLife Church? 

  • The Mindset shift required for the integration

Image by Akira Hojo


The Church gathered &

The church scattered

Vocation@Work is a program for faith & work integration that builds the holistic WholeLife Church that gathers on Sunday and scattered into the community on Monday.


The 2 Kingdoms emphasis of the church.

Image by Patrick Perkins









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The Strategic Intent of the church is not just a matter of opinion, it is tied to the function of the brain, thus rendering it powerful.

The Limbic Brain is the part that drive bahaviour and act on illogical senses-often we hear the word 'gut feel', We find the limbic brain drives the question of Who? and Why? identiying the notion of being- the Who we are and Why we do what we do? This will drive the methodology of How and the outcome of What- 'the doing / action' we take. The Thinking and Understanding part of the brain is the tangible expression of our actions. 

Paul D Mclean (1960)  and Simon Sinek

The Triune Brain and Strategic Intent


We've  succeeded as a species because of our ability to form cultures. Cultures  are groups of people who come together for a common values and beliefs with other - we form trust. The culture are solidify and defined by the integration, the who and the why, the common beliefs, purpose and values will define it. 

This is why our 'being' matters to the work we do.

On Shaping An Integration Culture 


Image by Andrew Neel


15 May 2022, 8.30 pm

Via Zoom and YouTube Live


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Module 1 Introduction

This is the introduction to Work as calling, outlining the problem of work and the unique concept of work and faith integration model at CLC. 

Image by Andres Urena



The maid who sweeps her kitchen is doing the will of God just as much as the monk who prays – not because she may sing a Christian hymn as she sweeps but because God loves clean floors.  The Christian shoemaker does his Christian duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.

“All the people at the churches are in a common situation in the world. Wherever he works, wherever he meets the community at large, he finds that Christians are in a minority. His faith comes under fire or is ignored, or even pitied. He is regarded often as a relic of the past. When he goes to church that past comes alive, he hears, speaks and sings its language with sincerity and it becomes for him a vehicle of eternal realities. But he is conscious, acutely or vaguely, that all sorts of ideas about man and the world, hidden in the words, are of the past, belonging to a pastoral or patriarchal society, and to a triple-decker view of the universe. Instead of making sense of the world for him, the Christian’s faith, couched in this language, is often a problem he himself is trying to make sense of. Yet he needs it to guide and sustain him in the world.”


Katherine Bliss [We the People], 1963

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