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Image by Silas Sousa
Image by Hannah Busing
Image by Sincerely Media
Image by Priscilla Du Preez


Discipling the Work life 

Intersecting of faith and work 

Worker with Ladder


Something Need Fixing 

Experience the Faith Community through Vocation@Work

Join us at Vocation@Work (VW) CLC to explore the intersection of faith and work. It is a holistic discipleship program that set us out to live out our whole life of vocation and charism by faith in order to  experience the faith community at the church, thus finding purpose and meaning of our life.


Introducing  the Vocation@Work Program Curriculum  



1. Something Needed Fixing: The Problem of Work

The Monday - Sunday Gap -The Dualistic Mindsets


​​2. The Big Picture of the Holistic Church: The WholeLife Church

is a church that preaches the 'Whole Gospel' for the

'Whole People' of God

 with the 'Whole Work' of God 

It is a Market friendly Church.

It is a Kingdom Focus Church.

A. The vision of the Gathered [equipping Church] and

the dispersed church / enlarged church [sending Church]

in minding the gap between Sunday and Monday gap.

B. Work in the 2 Kingdoms-the right Kingdom serving the left Kingdom

C. The Hypothesis of the Model



The Strategic Intent 

​The Holistic Discipleship Program [The Framework]


The Strategic Intent of the Vocation@Work Program is to provide discipleship

training in the area of work life. This is program that integrate faith and work.

For when the work life is engaged through faith, the church will be seen as relevant

and a relevant church will grow and become fruitful.


The program is build through four essential questions

​1. The question of being -'Who' is doing the work?​

2. The question of purpose - 'Why' are we are doing the work?

​3. The question of methodology - 'How' are we going to run the integration?

​​4. The question of the desired outcomes - 'What' is the results that will test the hypothesis?


Module 1

The Soul/The One who is doing the work

'The Who' reveals the identity of the whole person in his work​

The shape of Faith intersecting with Human Work 

in a Whole New Lens


(A)The Theological and Biblical framework of the work

anchors on the doctrine of indwelling of Christ (In Christ)

anchored on the doctrine of Vocation and Charism.

The notion of our work theology is about being saved to serve

Theosis - The 'In Christ' Concept

Vocation and Charism​

Image by Cassidy Rowell

Module 2

​The Purpose of Why

'The Why' reveals the purpose and intention of the discipleship process.


1. Work matters to God and God matters to work

The purpose and the intention of work through the metanarrative of work in scripture- Creation, Fall, Redemptive and Glorification. 



Image by Fa Barboza


The Methodology of How 


​​1. 'The Methodology of How' is done through 2 stages

i. The outlined of the curriculum- [Module 1-2]

ii. The enhancement programs


The Enhancement Program 

(A) The Impact Player Mindsets @ Work

Everyone can do the integration and the needs to embrace the 2 degree mindset shifts 

(B) Mask of God @ Work

God hides in us and through our work serve the world 

(C) The Priestly, Prophetic & Kingly function of the workers @ Work

priestly- Priesthood of all believers- work as worship, work as prayer ​

Prophetic- the voice to warn- certain ethical issues @ work

Kingly - rules, authority and power through charism and calling @ work

(D) Stations (domain) @ Work

The various work/roles in our work in different season of life

(E) Rest, Play and Work Rhythm @ Work

Work life balanced ​


2. How do we measure the Engagement 

The variables (attendance, engagement at work and church, service) will be collated and presented  


3. Literature review on Work

3 types of literature review-
Theosis - indwelling of God, order of salvation 

Doctrine of vocation and work

Doctrine of charism @ work


4. The Limitation of the Program and Future Work.

We will outlined issues and salient points that are not addressed in the research, and we will

proposed future work that can be taken further by the research.


Module 3

Business Meeting

Module 4


The Results of 'What' 


The 'Result of What' -  reveals the end goal/result of the integration

in building A WholeLife Church


1.  The Results of the Regression Analysis 

Attendance and Service 

Level of engagement @ workplace and church.

2. Analysis 

Regression Analysis on attendance and satisfaction at work and Church before and after implementation

Regression Analysis  on Serving level  at the church before and after implementation

3. Hypothesis â€‹

Analysis on the Hypothesis

When we have a robust theology of work grounded in faith (Work Discipleship Course) we are able to provide meaningful engagement to both @ work and @ church. As the result the church will be relevant and this will lead to church growth and fruitfulness.​


4. The Digital Portal for the Work and Faith Integration.

Development of a digital portal  for the integration


Image by Andres Urena

Why Work Matters 

The maid who sweeps her kitchen is doing the will of God just as much as the monk who prays – not because she may sing a Christian hymn as she sweeps but because God loves clean floors. The Christian shoemaker does his Christian duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.


Image by Mango Matter


Vocation&Work Discipleship Module



The Problem with Work and the Solution

Strategic Intent of the Model

May, 22nd



Tell The Story. The Theological Story of Work. 



Coming Soon

More Info on the Module

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