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Image by 愚木混株 cdd20


About Subtitle


The 3-Part Integration are as follows:



The first part of the integration is about embracing a comprehensive learning, by developing a growth mindset  through

A Holistic Discipleship Module


The Curriculum is divided into 3 segments: 


A. The Strategic Intent is about asking the right questions to build a Church that is fruitful. The questioning technique is develop from Simon Sinek's idealogy of starting with Why? However this unique model starts with Who at the core. The 4 fundamental questions must be asked from the 'inside-out' starting with the identity question (The Who), followed by the purpose question (The Why). This is the core of our purpose, intention and our vocation. This is about the essence of 'Our Being'- our positional truth of who we are in Christ and why are we doing what we do, the very purpose of our life, through our vocation. 

This will lead to another 2 questions of 'Our Doing"- the methodology of the process (The How), which set the processes in place to achieve the end goal of the integration (The What). The

The Mindset shifts for an integrated culture

The Strategic Intent with its 4 questions will give clarity to the integration and challenges us to embrace a 2% mindset shift  through languaging and behaviour to influence the methodology and the outcome of the integration. Changing the mindset is about embracing an integration culture for the model to stick. 


B. The Story of our Work and Vocation.


The story of our vocation @work (the theological foundation) is about God calling us to salvation by his grace to serve others and this is done by God  participating and cooperating with us through a union. We need to challenged our mindset to embrace salvation and sanctification process as an indivisible whole and this is the premises how work should be viewed.


The story of work (the biblical foundation) through the metanarrative  of the scripture of creation-fall-redemption-glorification will reveal the purpose or work and why work is important for us. The story reveals the very core of our 'being and our doing' in Christ, affirming how our original design, identity and purpose are working towards the methodology and the outcome towards worklife.


Both the stories are needed to point us to the cultural mandate stated in Gen.1:26-27, the great commandment (Matt. 22:35-40) and the great commision (Matt.28:18-20). This is the core purpose of when work is integrated through faith.

C. The Frontline Focus of Vocation @ Work


The frontline focus of our worklife is about the 'doing'- the methodology of how and the final product of what in our work. This pysical part of the integration is important because this is a tangible part of the model. The notion of our doing is divided into - the mask of God, stewardship of work and the image of God, the various station of work life, the spirituality and carisma of work life, the ethical principles of work life and work life balance.




The second part of the integration is about experincing the integration via Physical enhancement of the discipleship module. This is done by experiencing God @ work through the many church activities that will be implemented to solidify the Learning part of the integration. This is done through - VW worship, VW prayer, VW community and VW soul care.




The 3rd part of the integration is the digital presentation of the model.

The model is presented through a comprehensive interactive digital portal where all the informations and resources are digitally shared in a portal online for its participants. This  ensure the efficiency of the information sharing on a 24/7 basis and to enhanced its reach.

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