The Methodology
The Methodology of 'How'
This chapter brings together how the work and faith curriculum are aligned together and are experienced in an experiential section- the Physical Enhancement Experience part in the discipleship program.
We also discuss how the research methodology is carried out and how we test the hypotheses to proved that an engaged work through the VW initiatives can lead to church growth.
Literature review, limitation and suggestions for way forward are discussed to provide the framework for the discipleship program.
The Methodology of 'HOW'
1. The iscipleship Process is done in 2 stages
i. The outlined of the curriculums- This is the theoretical part of the discipleship process. The first 2 module
ii. The Physical Enhancement program is the experiential part of the discipleship program that bring practicality to the discipleship process.
This physical enhancement program will shape the one doing the work (who) to experience the integration:
The enhancement program are as follows:
(A) The Mindset Shift [The Impact player] @ Work We called the people who embraced the integration 'Impact Player'. These are people who have made the mindset shift to embrace the biblical worldview of faith and work. They began to see their identity in Christ through the integration in shaping their work and faith. We called this shift 'the 2 degree mindset shift' where a small shift in the mindsets, will help us embrace the impact player mindsets- which is discussed as part of the curriculum in the CLC leadership module.
(F) The Work -Business Networking Group/ Initiatives
The initiatives to enhanced the theoretical part of the module are as follows:
Formation of work-business networking group among the young adult (aged 25-45)
Work initiatives for retiree
Work initiatives Sunday- esp. worker's day in commissioning the workers of God
Special work Sundays.
Targeted mentoring program by professionals
Work initiatives prayer focus,
Visitation to various workplaces.
VW portals easy communication
2. How do we measure the work engagement at church and at the workplace
The Hypothesis state that when we disciple people on their work life and when engagement happens at work, people will see that the church becomes relevant to their life and this in turn lead to church growth. The correlation between the variables before and after the implementation listed below will be presented and analysis will be reported-
i. Attendance patterns for the last 2 years
ii. Percentage of serving in the last 2 years
ii. Satisfaction Index (engagement) at work and in the church
The datas are ollected through surveys, interviews and questionnaires and will be submitted.
3. Literature Review
The literatures that we will be citing are from-
Literature on Indwelling of God
Cooper, Jordon. Christification-A Lutheran approach to theosis. Eugene, OR: Wipf&Stock,2014
Marquert, Kurt E. 'Luther and theosis." Concordia Theological Quarterly 64 (2000) 182-185
Mannermaa, Tuomo. Christ Present in Faith: Luther's view of Justification. Edited and Translated by Kirsi Irmeli Sterjna. Minneapolis: Fortress,2005
-. Two Kinds of Love: Martin Luther's Religious World. Edited and translated Kirsi Irmeli Stjerna.Minneapolis:Fortress,2005.
Theology of Vocation
Wingren, Gustaf. Luther on Vocation. Translated by Carl C.Rasmussen. Eugene,Or:Wipf&Stock,2004.
Veith,Gene Edward Jr. God at Work- Your Christian Vocation in all of life. Wheaton,Ill:CrosswayBooks,2002.
Schuurman, Douglas J. Vocation-Discerning our Calls in Life. Grand Rapids, Mic: Eerdmans Publishing House,2004.
Luther's work
Theology of Work
Stevens, Paul R. Work Matters- Lessons from Scripture. Grand Rapids, Mic: Eerdmans Publishing House.2012.
-.The Other Six Days-Vocation, Work, Ministry in Biblical Perspective. Grand Rapids, Mic: Eerdmans Publishing House,2000
Witherington III, Ben. Work-A Kingdom Perspective on Labor. Grand Rapids, Mic: Eerdmans Publishing House,2011
Miller, David W. God at Work. The History and Promise of the Faith at Work Movement. Madison Square, NY: Oxford university Press,2007.
Volf, Miroslav. Work in the Spirit-Towards A Theology of Work. Eugene, Or: Wipf &Stock,1991.
Beale, G. K. The Temple and the Church’s Mission: A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2004.
waltke, Bruce K. and Fredricks, Cathi J. Genesis: A Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001.
Walton, John H. The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2009.
Business as Mission
Johnson, C Neal. Business as Mission. Downer Grooves, Ill.: InterVarsity Press,2009.
Nash, laura L. Believers in Business. Nashville, Ten: Thomas Nelson,1994.
Banks, Roberts. God the Worker. Eugene, OR: Wipf&Stock,1992.
4. Limitation and Suggestions of way forward
Theological framework- we are anchoring the notion of a WholeLife Church that we are 'Saved to Serve through Christ present in faith (indwelling) as the cornerstone anchored on vocation and charism'. The concept of indwelling of God-the mystical union, needed further work, for the notion of indwelling can be challenging for many - especially the concept of "theosis"
The anchor of the theological framework on charism and vocation needed more unpacking as Spirit empowerment of work and calling does depends on the overall spirituality of the organizations and this can posed a limitation if this concept are not grounded.
The impact players mindsets that we are proposing needed more unpacking and contextualizing for it is not easy to find a suitable model that is biblical and all encompassing to help embrace the work and faith initiatives as we are trying to switch the culture we are in.
Sample size for data's maybe too small and the question of scalable and transferable to another organization can be skewed.
The physical enhancement methods are CLC centric and how robust would this suggestion be taken and implemented can be a challenges especially it involves resources.
We've succeeded as a species because of our ability to form cultures through our thoughts process and actions. Cultures are groups of people who come together for a common values and beliefs with others to form trust.
The integration is about forming this culture, where work and faith intersect. This is when your work matters to God and God matters to your work
On Shaping A Work and Faith Culture
Coming Soon
Martin Luther
“The idea that the service to God should have only to do with church altar, singing, reading, sacrifice, and the like is without doubt but the worst trick of the devil. How could the devil have led us more effectively astray than by the narrow conception that service to God takes place only in church and by works done therein”