Vocation@Work Integration
1. Work matters
Lessons from the Scripture
2. The Reformers Concept of Work and Faith Integration
The Mask of God @ work
Our Work and Calling as the mask of God as God work through us to serve and care for the world.
The Station of Life @ work
The life relational spheres of our work and vocation- family, career, studies, social networks and citizens.
3. Stewardship and Image of God @ work
We are made in the image of God, thus we are a worker and are commision to care and serve the world. Through the cooperation of God in us, we are steward of God's creation as co-creator and vice regent in serving the world.
4.Priesthood @ work
The holiness, dignity and ethical dimension of the work life as we are called towards priesthood of all believers.
5.Charisma @ work
The empowerment at work by the Holy Spirit through spritual giftings and talents.
6.Work Life Balance @ work
Rest and satisfaction to a balanced work life that is essential for the work life.
Coming Soon
Martin Luther
“The idea that the service to God should have only to do with church altar, singing, reading, sacrifice, and the like is without doubt but the worst trick of the devil. How could the devil have led us more effectively astray than by the narrow conception that service to God takes place only in church and by works done therein”